what is homeopathy?
from the Greek homoios "like, similar" + patheia "disease"
Homeopathy is a safe, effective, holistic modality that uses specially prepared micro-doses of natural substances to stimulate one’s own healing response.
It is a sophisticated and complete system of holistic wellness that has been successfully used by millions of people worldwide for over 200 years.
Homeopathy is effective in healing long term or recurrent (chronic) ailments as well as acute illness or injury.
how does it work?
like treats like
We match patterns that go with the person’s expression of symptoms, rather than against it. An individual’s illness pattern has a corresponding match with a substance in nature that is used to make a remedy. When brought together, the remedy boosts the intelligent healing capacity of the person’s life force that is already underway. Picture a venn diagram, two overlapping patterns with a shared similarity, the match in the middle is where the healing happens.
minimal dose
When there is bio-physiological-energetic resonance between an individual’s pattern and a remedy’s pattern, then the least amount of remedy is the most potent. Highly diluted homeopathic preparations, in the smallest dose necessary, are used to initiate a healing response. It works much like a tuning fork, the life force is sensitive to receiving the least amount of a similar tune in order to make it sing.
individualized care
A person is like a field, not just a single flower. Like the proverbial forest for the trees, we take into account the entirety of what is occurring, not just one symptom. All symptoms are meaningful and important. We then find one remedy that best matches the wholeness of the pattern of symptoms. Homeopathy is holistic in the truest sense of the word.
the homeopathic consultation
We have a nice long conversation. Together, we explore your entire experience, what hurts in your body, what hurts in your heart, what happened in the past and what’s happening right now. We look with curiosity and wonder at what is asking to be healed. All symptoms are meaningful and important and we give them their due respect. The life force has a reason for everything it is doing and our task is to perceive the entire pattern of symptoms in the person and select a remedy with a similar pattern.
homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies are produced in specialized pharmacies which utilize a distinct method of preparation involving serial dilution and succussion, or vigorous shaking. They are derived from natural substances including mineral, plant and animal sources. Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA via the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), assuring consistency in the production and safety of the remedies. They can be safely used in conjunction with conventional medical therapies, and are safe and effective for all ages, from newborns to elders, as well as pregnant and lactating persons. Remedies are also used to support the well-being of animals and plants!
field phenomena
A field is a vital force, an essence, the energetic totality of an organism. In homeopathy, we understand any illness, insult or injury first impacts our energetic field, and as a result, the life force produces symptoms in order to communicate distress. Symptoms are a brilliant adaptation of the life force, they are a physical, mental, or emotional response to a disruption to our field.
Symptoms call our attention to what needs to be healed. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the life force, rousing it to address the disruption to the field. The result is natural resolution of symptoms as they are no longer needed as an adaptation.
Modern understanding of energetic fields continues to expand. Recent research shows the action of homeopathic remedies may be best understood within the framework of quantum field theory. Where current medicine is bio-chemical, homeopathy’s action is through physics.